😸 Brilliant! EVERYONE should see this movie 📽
🕯 MJTruth
After all that bickering about censoring
Matt Walsh’s film on Twitter yesterday,
Elon puts a MEGA SPOTLIGHT on it..
It is an EXCELLENT movie & Matt Walsh knocked it out the park.
🎥 Matt Walsh
@ MattWalshBlog
MOVIE 🌟#WhatIsAWoman 🌟
“Being a Dad is one of the great privileges of my life.
Give my son a BB-gun
& that’s just about all the emotional support he needs.
My daughter on the other hand…
I’ve heard people say there are no differences
between Male & Female;
those people are idiots.
I’m a husband, father of 4, host a talk show,
give speeches, write books—I like to make sense of things.
But making sense of Females is a whole other matter..
And now our culture is telling us
that the differences between girls & boys don’t matter..
How do we help kids make sense of this?
Elon is part of the group that doesn't want to kill off 90% of humanity, but wants to keep the slave debt slavery monetary system going.