Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
Why have people stopped going to church?
When did "church" stop being a community?
Is it related?
Love to hear your thoughts.
Good question. Symptom of the larger problems maybe. Very disconnected and disengaged population. We have lost real community in a lot of ways. Do we bring the welcome wagon around to new members to our communities or neighborhoods? Get together and clean the local parks or cemeteries? Go caroling? Do we even know our neighbors? Are the churches run locally or following dictates by larger orgs? I will be thinking on it.

Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
I've been thinking on it for years...........
I never left GOD - or my faith - but there was a time I no longer felt safe .. in what the US calls a church.
I feel "safe" - now that I can attend online.. but miss a true community that I grew up in.... which btw - I'm not sure I'd fit into ever again... for all the reasons others have listed ...
I feel comforted that I know GOD always has a plan bigger than what I can see - but it saddens me to see so many young people - who have never ever known what a true "elder" - i.e. mature man/woman of God looks like. .. It saddens me that everything is so disjointed - and the stage masters.... don't think to even care about the audience members they "perform" for. Or do they ??
I don't know.

Truth seeker, spiritualist, thinker, family woman, love God, small business owner and artist.
Maybe church is another take it down and start over thing. "And where two or more are gathered in my name...". The believers are the church.