Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
We ALL need to set a deadline for Justice to happen. I'm personally holding out for April 1st. If things don't happen by then, I truly think it's all of our duty to bring 1776 back and reclaim our Country. There's only so much we can all take. My patience is almost up, and I'm incredibly patient.

This is my date too! We can only wait so long. These sick ppl have not even had a taste of our (non-violent) wrath bc we have been WAITING. Our voices deserve to TRULY be heard! No more silent majority...Time is up 4/1 with#80millionstrong 🇺🇸💚
and every day is just getting worse and worse with us basicslly just taking it up the ass with a smile on our faces. April 1st 2021 and if jaun o savin tries to say he never said 2021 all hell is breaking loose, i can guarantee you that!

So if nothing happens by April 1st, are you saying it's Juan O Savin you're going to be upset with? There's nobody else you can think of who you might want to be upset with? Maybe someone a little higher up the food chain?

lol that is absolutlely not AT ALL what i said so no i would not be mad at Jaun O Savin. 🤣. good try though