😻 This HAS to be a movie
because NOTHING makes ANY sense.
The Biden Crime family are CLEARLY criminals
yet President Trump gets arrested?
We are IN the Theatre of the Absurd!!! 🎭
🇺🇸 Ghost Ezra
I'll warn you now, things will get stranger from here.
If you pay attention & listen to what I've told you
you'll laugh.
If you are watching the mockingbird media CNN or FAUX NEWS
you'll cry.
Whatever you do, please don't call Joe Biden 'president.'
He's really long gone & his double has NO POWER.
Enjoy the show 🎥🍿🍿

I have often felt that we were being schooled in our true history, our US constitution and the Theater of War.
My father, a WW2 vet referred to his time in the “Pacific Theater” ( he was radio and other on a B-29 in the Pacific Theater)
As a kid, I never understood why they called WAR > THEATER
… now we know

I LOVE discovering threads of FACTS.
We've been lied to about EVERYTHING.
I understand the technical term for
"Theatre of War"
but I personally feel it has to do with the Generals
& their larger-than-life movie characters 🎭
Patton, MacArthur, Monty, Ike, etc.
Juan O Savin calls the Pentagon officers
"Those perfumed princes."
Sounds about right.
When you come right down to THIS existence
right now
isn't it ALL a show?
It's always been a magic act 🪄🧙♂️
check this out:
Barbara Bush was a man in drag and the biological son and 'moon child' of Aleister Crowley and Paulette Robinson.
Was Prescott Bush living at the White House in drag as Lorena Hickok and the 'handler' of FDR and lover of Eleanor?
some one special to some on AnonUp.com
FDR was couped, but it was a Silent Coup. "Eleanor" had her lover - a man in drag - living in the White House as tranny Lorena Hickok who looked just like the twin of Pre

Some one special to some. @surdog007 (tw) @godrus on truth social telegr
Prescott was virtually unaccounted for the entire time of FDR presidency - he could've easily been living at WH as Eleanor's lesbian lover.