🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
There's a slave bazaar in Tripoli, Libya,
that Gaddafi had shut down when he was alive.
One of my friends who was a Senior Officer
@ Wheelus Air Force Base told me
they would sell young blonde girls
that had been kidnapped from N Europe
& brought to Tripoli to be sold.
The guys @ Wheelus wanted to buy some of these girls
& get them home.
It wasn’t just girls, it was also boys.
But they were under standing orders not to go near that bazaar.
So what my friend & others did
they would get money to friends in Tripoli who’d go in there,
especially if it was a young vulnerable child
& buy them & get them out of the country.
They could only do a little & it was very hard.
There’s a Jewish saying,
“He who saves one life
it's as though he saved the whole world.”
It’s a very emotional thing.
If there are children
being traded around the world for ANY reason
it’s the grossest, most horrid thing that can exist 💔
US Marshalls have been amazing through this whole thing. Have done such a tremendous job taking down pedos, rescuing kids.