Americans have been victims of the largest hiest in history. Our money is stolen via the Federal Reserve banking system and by the IRS. A vast majority is used on foreign countries and special/personal interests, certainly not in the best interest of the American people. Our money is devalued with inflation, a man-made monetary "phenomenon".
It began on Nov 20th, 1910, with the idea and plan formation of the Federal Reserve at Jekkyll Island by wealthy, global bankers.
Feb 25th, 1913, the 16th Ammendent gave the government the ability to levy income tax, essentially giving us the IRS as we known it today.
Dec 23rd, 1913, the Federal Reserve banking system was established, which uses private Central Banks to dictate the US and global economies, how much borrowed money costs, regulates markets, and creates and manages our currency.
We've been getting screwed for 110 years and almost 3 months. Maybe this#greatdefault will unscrew US.