Pro bono for the children. Empath super power. Following our missing children since 2015. Due Process Auditor.Fed tort case # 7:22-CV-178-FL
I was in Healthcare and I was required to get flu vaccine every year. Every year after the vaccine I got sicker and sicker...I would tell everyone and they laughed at me. Now I'm on disability with autoimmune diseases that are supposedly "hereditary" but no one in my family has these diseases. Hhhmmmm
So very sorry. I am sorry we couldnt get people to listen. There are ways of using herbal medicines and protocols that can really help you. Yehoveh gave us plants and seeds for medicine and with research i bet you can find some things that will help you recover. May the face of our Father Yehoveh shine upon you and all who are in your position. May He bring healing and wellness to your lives in a miraculous way. Amen.
Pro bono for the children. Empath super power. Following our missing children since 2015. Due Process Auditor.Fed tort case # 7:22-CV-178-FL
God has changed the direction of my I'm freed up to work for the children. I'm a licensed PI and do all child cases. God is great!