“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
Saturday Q & A for anyone interested:
1. Do you believe everything we are witnessing is a distraction from Epstein Island, The Client List, The Save The Children Focus?
2. Do you believe The Commander In Chief would have the list?
3. Who do you believe currently is the real CIC?
4. Do you believe anyone working on the Q team would require clearance from the CIC to disclose/declass this intel?

"Say What You and Mean What You Say" “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” Conquer Destiny by Being Ready for Anything.
Most everything we are watching and waiting for has already happened remember it's just a movie most the bad people have been delt with and removed

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
Agreed. I believe we are being tested on idol worship/following the stars. I see so many crucified on all platforms with the exception of one man who would be at the top of the chain of command. I call social media DJT Black Hat Trump as we await the return of the real one

I AM SUZANA! STRONG LIKE PAVLOVIĆ! 💪WWG1WGA 🐸 humble & grateful child of God 🙏 in training for life 🙌 👍
The thought of our Lord detecting idol worship coming from me on my social medias haunts me daily. It absolutely regulates just how much focus I give everybody I meet online and the deep dives I've done during this 36 month journey I've been on.

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
Amen Susie! We were told to trust no one but God and our own instincts. I learned to respect many of our leaders on this journey, but being an AI clone war at the end I trust no account on social media. So many had to go to AI for protection, and are targets to be hacked by the evil AI
Agreed 🙌. I won't let my faith faulter or tremble, I know when it's all said and finally done His Plan will have been worthy of my patient waiting. Also, I came into this awakening fairly naive and gave my appreciation to people like Barr and Pompeo... that stung me enough to bring out my aloof persona to join me "on occasion" on this ride. That helps me with avoiding idolatry beyond God. We're ALL boots on the ground for Christ, focus is necessary. 🙏🙌

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
I see it here amongst us….leader accounts who ended up with stars by their names, used to be much more consistent, transparent and interactive. It is a real challenge, I always want to respect and appreciate the face on the account, yet know most are no longer the face we see behind the account

I AM SUZANA! STRONG LIKE PAVLOVIĆ! 💪WWG1WGA 🐸 humble & grateful child of God 🙏 in training for life 🙌 👍