So...according to the democrats,
These FBI Whistle-blowers are not whistle-blowers. Changing the definition of words to suit their narrative. Same old overplayed boring tactics...*yawn*
The wet poodle decided to have a sparring match with Jim Jordan claiming the witnesses are not 'whistle-blowers' under the law.
How convenient that the agency that they are testifying against is claiming they are not whistle-blowers. Dear disrespectful debbie downer the only thing you should be sparring with is a hairbrush and a can of detangler! He did not take an oath to the FBI, but he did take an oath to the CONSTITUTION!
Law & Physics on
Audit them all. No Emolument for positions=committing domestic violence, internal insurrection, treason, "Its bigger than you know" Being part of Government, each must h