🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
I do expect that we’re gonna see people decide
they don’t want to face Justice in this world in the next days & weeks.
Decide that they want to leave this world.
The only thing I would say to them,
all you’re doing is beating your path to a higher court.
From a Christian perspective
everything that happens in this world at some level,
even bad stuff,
it’s nothing compared to Justice in the next.
You can make up all the stories you want
you can get everybody to side with you,
whether it’s Ukraine or personal stuff,
at the end of the day, is it worth your soul? 🕊

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
Facing justice in a higher court is indeed what they should be worried about💥💥💥⚡️⚡️⚡️😎
They must be atheists because they wouldn't be doing such evil despicable things if they weren't.