It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 https://anonup.com/thread/13230439 💥
https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elam , Tepe-Mussianu
Indo-Europeans not Semites were the real Persian kings.
File:Indo-European migrations.gif - Wikipedia

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 https://anonup.com/thread/13230439 💥
Kain bloodline (serpents/satan's seed/stone) = Semites, descendants of Noah (Noah built ! an altar ! by agreement with "god"), Aryas (Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras - caste/sorting people), Sargon of Akkad (Akkadian Empire), later bloodline line of Alexander the Great
Adamites bloodline Abel (Adam's seed/stone) = Indo-Europeans, (Sumerian Empire), Sanskrit, Illyrians (I associate it a bit with the Lyra constellation), Achaemenians, later bloodline Persian kings
Both lines knew the facts about the importance of Egypt.
Let's say another "blood" line began to "evolve" in Egypt.
Why is what was in Egypt not being talked about, written or taught anywhere?!
(just a rhetorical question)
Who Is without Sin Cast the First Stone.
As for Babylon, everything was also different.
Does anyone have anything to say about this? It's quite an ant's job to track down.
EvinaKoros Panova on AnonUp.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcZB-wYAc2I&t=2s "He Who Is without Sin Cast the First Stone."
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
You do so many deep digs; have you ever done one on the Stargate TV series?
After researching stargates, I ordered the Stargate SG1 series on DVD (had never seen it). Unbelievable what it shows! Over the course of the 10-year series, they fight three basic enemies:
▶️Goa'uld -- parasitical snakes which control the host's body (vril?) & have names of ancient Egyptian gods; enslave people to mine metals & serve them; kill those who stand in their way.
▶️Replicators -- self replicating and assembling mini metallic blocks which assimilate metal & kill people that threaten them (AI?)
▶️Ori -- evil ascended beings proclaiming themselves as gods, and annihilating all people who refuse them.
Quite a consistent theme among the bad guys!
And the ties to actual ancient writings are unmistakable!

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 https://anonup.com/thread/13230439 💥
Yes you are right.
In the series, facts are combined with a fictional story. There is much truth shown there. Even for example how Atlantis rises from the depths. By the way, the military also cooperated in the creation StarGate of the series - I assume that they approved the scripts and allowed what to show people and what not.
But note that humanity is only shown technology for everything.
I have never seen in any movie or series the facts that no technology will ever replace the human brain and the abilities possessed by those who have a soul within them - the ability to retune or tune into a specific frequency the whole body, which can overcome stargate technology or self-medication and even more.
Why probably? Because here are far more without soulsthan those who have a soul.
I've read that we will be shocked when we find out how many "people" are not really people.

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 https://anonup.com/thread/13230439 💥
around 85-92%. Interbreeding of humans (men) with mutants ("women") at best began to occur (a clone or biorobot is the worse case scenario). So there are many so-called cuckoos (implants) in families.
Conversely, human women cannot have children with a mutant, I know that from a doctor who dealt with it. That doctor was murdered.
Animals are a little better.

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
What is a "mutant" per se? Genetic hybrid -- island of Dr Moreau types? In Steve Quayle's Genesis 6 Giants website, he has some pdfs of ancient books, one of which is the Book of Monsters. There were only fragments when found, but easy to understand what's going on; ties right in with Greek "mythology".