Now the most important question.
Who owns a writing pen for Libris Fabula?

Q is one way to get a writing pen right?...
It's high time to get the "story pen" back.

this is no accident. 👇
watch the symbols

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It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

An elite Illuminati organization known as the Council of 13 Families

Most people are beginning to realize that 99% of the world's population is controlled by the 1% "elite", but the Council of 13 families is made up of less than 1% of the 1% "elite"!
These families are:
—Rothschild (Bayer or Bauer)
– Cavendish
— Medici
- Hanover
— Habsburg
— Krupp
— The Plantagenets
– Rockefeller
— Romanovs
—Sinclair (St. Clair's)
— Warburg (del Blanco)
—Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)

In their minds they have the right to rule over the rest of us because they are direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royalty.

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Werewolves and vampires, old families.
Eleonore von Schwarzenberg
She not sleep at night and turned the castle into an alchemical laboratory and preferred mother's milk from wolves. Her tomb is more than interesting... in Český Krumlov/Bohemia. Her husband was shot by the emperor while hunting (just in time for the full moon?.). The area of Central Europe has a very long history about vampires and werewolves. Does anyone really still think that when the data can be preserved for more than a few millennia and gradually the truth of the claim is proven that it is a fabrication?
It will be difficult to accept the truth, especially for those who do not have the divine spark within them.
In the same way, the family of Rosenbergs is associated not only with vampires, but above all with werewolves. And many other black noble families which have one thing in common - a kinship with the families from period of the first Babylon.

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

The "mysterious" tomb of Elizabeth Báthory : under the church or in the retaining wall...In 1938, the parish priest together with another group of people found many coffins with young women's bodies in the skep - evidently the victims.... Báthory is a blood relative of Vlad III.
After this discovery of a huge number of coffins, the search was quickly and strictly stopped, with the sanctification of the authorities. It's more than astonishing that no more detailed reports have survived from the research carried out. BUT, local people know about the secret rooms, underground corridors and other monstrosities associated with this many places in Czechia/Bohemia, the transmission of information transmitted by the heart - from generation to generation.

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

The Bible is matrix guide, a record, and at the same time a prophecy. When you accept that matter and time do not exist without each other and everything is only relative, it starts to make sense.

It's all about two basic bloodlines - Cain's line, was not out of love and did not contain a divine spark and can be cloned and DNA manipulated.
For Adamites these "modifications" are not possible, can't change the divine spark, can only "lose" it and genetically modified die or become infertile.
In Egypt, these experiments, I believe, have begun.
Only the male Y genome can be manipulated, but only via the female line (that is, the daughters or the mother - the X genome) can this manipulated line be preserved in continuation - and it is not always successful.

Genome analyzes are done with AI, not under a microscope (that's not even possible). That is why even the coronavirus has its numerical code assigned by artificial intelligence.
The name of the company "Appel" was not accidental.

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

"Dr Phillip Buckhaults discovers contaminated plasmid DNA in Pfizer vaccines which could cause sudden death from cardiac arrest, cancer and auto immune issues."

Not plasmid, but I'm convinced it's specifically frog DNA - as a carrier of efficient mRNA change (mRNA is created during the process of transcription) and according to studies from Russia, that I read in Cyrillic, so unedited version by translation (many years ago) - frog DNA is the best carrier/transporter to capture changes in the human body (DNA).
I assume the vaccines also contain a small amount of snake venom (one of them told me many years ago that snake poison/venom is used very often).
For the physical body - poison,
for mental/AIcode body - venom.

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It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

What if the poetic EDDA actually describes the power struggle and conditions between two "their" basic opposing clans representing vampires and werewolves and maybe other genetically modified genetic bloodlines X against humanity and therefore against the gods/builders/creators...

This would mean that, among other things, genetic experiments via Cain's bloodline are also described in the book. Think in metaphors as you read, it's really all there. It must have been encoded somehow for humanity, because "they" don't have the intuition for ability to understand metaphors as a pure human being - that takes empathy.

"At the end of time "they" must tell humanity the truth."
link to read and download the book

The really author of the work is unknown and the specific period when the work was written is also in the mist.

The Edda lists the ! wolf ! Fenrir as being Loki's child with Angrbotha.

continue in comments 👇

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication


It is enough to read carefully even between the lines and understand the words in metaphors. This is the only way to hide all the prophecies from "them" so that they remain visible and available to humanity.

Many mentions in village chronicles, which were confiscated en masse throughout the Czechia in the 1990s. Such chronicles had been written since time immemorial all over Europe, in every village, in every city in every "state", kingdom... These chronicles were always in the possession of the clergy and were passed down from generation to generation.
I have studied it, I held several such ancient chronicles in my hand and had the opportunity to study them.

Humanity is in a hypnotic sleep and most people have no idea what they are living in, if a himself does not becomes a direct participant, which is usually the last thing experiences.

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

About Bohemia

Another interesting fact is that the "noble" (rather genetically engineered) family of the Rosenbergs founded the family of the Vítkovs, who have their origins in Germany, but are related by bloodline to the Orsini family.
But that's a "coincidence", isn't it? Legends have been circulating about the Rožmberk family since time immemorial, that they are genetically modified werewolves. Interesting about that are the legends about the torn corpses always being found on their estates, just at the time of the full moon.
The Vítkov family originates from the Roman family of the Italian Orsini - Oldřich II. from Rožmberk, in order to increase the prestige of the Rožmberk family, he created the genealogical line of the Orsini princes, which was confirmed by three members of the Orsini family between 1469 and 1481 at the request of Oldřich's sons Jan and Jošt. It is also mentioned in the work "Monumenta Rosenbergica".

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

Interesting fact is flying dreams.Not everyone has flying dreams,I do. In one such dream I managed to look at my feet and saw my white dress.I knew that is not good to "land" too much on the top of the tree,because the crown of the tree bends and it's not pleasant.
But why am I writing this..I had an interesting conversation with a girl who has been blind since birth.I talked to her about dreams.She NEVER experienced images in her dreams, only feelings and voices.BUT she could tell by feeling what colour the object she was touching was.Not once was she wrong!!!I've tried about 20x.
Conclusion: no one can be what are not-neither here in the material world, nor in the astral world, nor in the mental world.The core bad will never do good and the core good will never be evil-it just won't work,those individuals can't do it,it's not the core of CHARACTER/PRIMARY SOURCE.So,those with flying dreams have sometimes had to fly alone and without instruments.We're not all the same.

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It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

Lyrics in Swedish + English translation
(Text: Astrid Lindgren)
Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Han vill men kan inte sova
(He wants to, but cannot sleep)
Hungern river i hans varga buk
(The hunger tears his wolven stomach)
Och det är kallt i hans stova
(And it's cold in his burrow)

Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don't you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
(I will never let you take my child)

Vargen ylar i nattens skog
(The wolf is howling in the forest of the night)
Ylar av hunger o klagar
(Howling out of hunger and moaning)
Men jag ska ge'n en grisa svans
(But I will give him a pig tail)
Sånt passar i varga magar
(Which suits a wolven stomach)

Du varg du varg, kom inte hit
(Wolf, wolf, don't you come here)
Ungen min får du aldrig
(I will never let you taken my child)

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The Spirit Song - A Nordic Lullaby - YouTube

If the spirit of the mist could sing us a lullaby, how would it sound like?I created this song with an intention to give you a little glimpse into that mysti...

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

And now a bit of history 👇

Follow heraldic elements in coats of arms, everything is connected.
THE GOLDSMITHS (Family of goldsmiths)


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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication


Families of Power: The Kazars
the bloodline Bundy - TED BUNDY
The COLLINS bloodline - Tom Collins
The Astor Lineage - JHON JACOB ASTOR
DUPONTS LINEAGE: connection: GOVERNORS OF DELAWARE (chronological order)
and other

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

Genesis 6:1 - And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
Deuteronomy 32:8 - When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.
I Samuel 16:14 - But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him.; 18:10 - And it came to pass on the morrow, that the evil spirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophesied in the midst of the house: and David played with his hand, as at other times: and there was a javelin in Saul's hand.; 19:9 - And the evil spirit from the Lord was upon Saul, as he sat in his house with his javelin in his hand: and David played with his hand.
I Kings 22:19 - And he said, Hear thou therefore the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on his throne, and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left.

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Jubilees 5:1-2 - And it came to pass when the children of men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them, that the angels of God saw them on a certain year of this jubilee, that they were beautiful to look upon; and they took themselves wives of all whom they chose, and they bare unto them sons and they were giants. And lawlessness increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its way, alike men and cattle and beasts and birds and everything that walks on the earth -all of them corrupted their ways and their orders, and they began to devour each other, and lawlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all men (was) thus evil continually.; 6 - And against the angels whom He had sent upon the earth, He was exceedingly wroth, and He gave commandment to root them out of all their dominion, and He bade us to bind them in the depths of the earth, and behold they are bound in the midst of them, and are (kept) separate.

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

I Peter 3:19 - By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison.
II Peter 2:4 - For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.
Revelation 9:11 - And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.; 13 - And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God.

The following examples of ancient writings are to be understood metaphorically.
Genesis 6:1, Deuteronomy 32:8, I Samuel 16:14; 18:10; 19:9, I Kings 22:19, Psalm 82:1, Isaiah 26:14, Enoch 6:1; 7:1; 10:11; 12:4; 15:8, Jubilees 5:1-2, 6, Matthew 25:41, Ephesians 6:12, Hebrews 2:5, Jude 6, I Peter 3:19, II Peter 2:4, Revelation 9:11, 13.

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

People should finally know that we are not alone here in the world, the image - icon of St. Christopher (German Google only has his images with a human head, why I guess 🤔😅) belongs to the Sion breed (or translated dog / wolf head - the most famous family line from Medici history)

only roughly
Through their political strategy and patronage of major artists like Michelangelo, they created the High Renaissance. 😂😂 (those are the stolen all patents belonging to humanity)

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

Yes, lycanthropy is "their" cover story I wonder why it is associated (among other families) specialy with the Talbot family. I did some searching and found this:
George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury
In 1560, he inherited the Earldom of Shrewsbury, the Barony of Furnivall and the position of Justice in Eyre, which had been his father's. He also took over his father's position of Chamberlain of the Exchequer. ! One year later, he was created a Knight of the Garter. !,_6th_Earl_of_Shrewsbury
Mary, Queen of Scots
"It cam wi' a lass and it will gang wi' a lass!"
(meaning - "The devil go with it! It will end as it began: it came from a woman; and it will end in a woman")
Again, it's a reminder of the importance female bloodline.

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

It is said that killing an beast is not a sin, only killing a human is. But where does one begin and the other end?.

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

In older references, the name "Argead Star" or "Star of the Argeadai" is used for the Sun as the possible royal symbol of the Argead dynasty of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia.There it was depicted on a golden larnax found in a 4th-century BC royal tomb belonging to either Philip II or Philip III of Macedon, the father and HALF-BROTHER of Alexander the Great,respectively

Alexander the Great had a different mother.He was only the second-born son his father and third descendant of Philip II.He had no claim to the royal throne.

Triobol of Argos and a bronze coin of King Amyntas II of Macedon.The early Argead kings often copied THE WOLF of Argos' coins on their own coinage to highlight their supposed ancestry from this city. !THE WOLF/wolf children!
The infiltration of the Old Babylonian cult-mutants bloodline Seth.


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It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

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It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

The Company of Wolves (1984)
"Dear girls, remember forever: never stop on the way, never trust the unknown, no one knows how it will end. Wolves can hide behind different appearances, the sweetest sound is hidden behind a sharp tooth."

The tale of Little Red Riding Hood is more symbolism than a fairy tale.

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In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

very interesting
I do not believe that the given numbers are a coincidence

Ha..., and here you all have it right in front of your eyes.
Who uses 17 (Q) from America and Z from Russia.
In the pic 👇

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