🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Good morning Truth seeker. It's going to be a great weak.
A great 'weak', eh?!? Not sure if that was deliberate, or not, but anyway... the week has already started out pretty good for me. So good to have random folks stop by out front of my house, and tell me how beautiful my plants are (in the windows on either side of my front door, as well as the super lovely pots of purple pansies that my first-born son gifted me with on Friday). Such a good feeling, because my aim in my new house is to create a place of beauty, inside and out. Haven't really got started yet, due to several hiccoughs along the way, but I'm making progress, and it feels good that people are noticing, and enjoying - it inspires me to overcome the hurdles I have to jump over to complete the 'picture'.
Another good thing... a friend of mine just informed me (by email), that she's in Heaven,
after having attended a 3-day long Marillion concert in Montreal, this weekend. Hahaha... what fun she had!