8:38 PM EST
May 5, 2023

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

13,000 a day after 5/11.

Do you know what's about to happen?

Remember remember the 11th of may, when the borders fell, and everything changed.

Invasion means the Military can be activated

In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication


May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

Invasion = Gunpowder plot
103 vs 186

Around midnight on November 4, 1605, one of the conspirators, Guy Fawkes, was discovered in the cellar of the Parliament building with barrels of gunpowder.

11/4 > 1/5 > 5/1[0] = May Day
186 > 114 > 24/42 = 5/1

1500 troops activated


We serve at the pleasure of the President. DJT
42 > 411 < > 114
US Military = savior of mankind.
We will never forget.
Fantasy land.
God save us all
114 > 11/22

💧#229 > “FREEDOM” 42 times!

FREEDOM = Trump Card = 114 / 24 = X

3 pics⤵️

In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication

'Invasion = Gunpowder plot'
Britain & Europe
'Activate" > Erupt ?

'The plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament (Palace of Westminster) during the state opening of Parliament, intending to kill the king & members of Parliament in order to clear the way to reestablishing Catholic rule in England"

Remember, Remember the 5th of Nov
11.5 > VE

May Day > Maytag
A day in May?

May 8, 1945 : VE-Day
Celebrations erupted around the world to mark the end of WWII in Europe

May Eighth = 96 🌀

Tom Brady = GOAT = 43 | 11.5
Soccerball ⚽💣
ts 4:10 pm > 16:10 = 17 > Q
4:10 | 10 - 4 "Roger that".

Roger ball has been called?

Clear for landing? Mays Landing?
4384 > 415 > 226 /#229 = Freedom

Fun coincidence..
"Follow Friends"
Rachel's "I got off the plane'
'The Last One" May 6, 2004
Are we 2 days ahead?

Mays Landing = 119
Master Plan = 119
119 | 9.11 / 11.6 > 2/6
May = 2 ? > 11.6 [Corona]tion
Nostradamus: 'King Charles won't last long"

4 pics ⤵️

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

Worth remembering.
Think Chess.
Do you attack the KING in the beginning or middle-to-end?

Timeline Convergence = 198 > 18 > 99 > 9.11
Think Chess = 363/116
The Hidden Son
She Lost
Proof of God
Breath Taking

3 pics⤵️

In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication

WHAAATTT is going on with those hands???
What is that?

Speaking of balls...
⚽ v ⚾

ts 12:42 = 12-6 > curveball : " downward break"
The 12-6 curveball, unlike the normal curveball
(also referred to as the "11 to 5 curve" or a "2 to 8 curve" for its motion) 🤨

curveball = 96 🌀

Batter up? Enter Sandman?
"Why the Sandman?? Because he put the batter to sleep." -DJT

Sandman = 66
Batter = 66
66 = Title / Charles / Corona / Freedom / Event / Planned

66 > 11.6 | 9.11
HRC = 29 > 9.11

Batter Up = 103
Invasion = 103

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

Curveball/Checkmate = 96

💧#4281 > 69
date May 19 > 69
ts 12:22:56 > 18 > 11.9

Treason = 92 > 9.11
ts 6:15 > 66
date 7/5 > 12 > 66
66K people talking
49.5 > 18
K > 66 (English Gematria)


In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication

3:25 | 73
Rewind = 73

3:25 > 2:26 > 88... going back

6.15pm - Sep 5

9 = Sep = 7
Sept 5 > 7/5 > 7/23 = Memorial Service

Memorial : intended to celebrate or honor the memory of a person or an event.

6:15 / 9.15 > 7.15
On July 15, 1999 John F Kennedy Jr. attended a Yankee's game hours after having his cast removed from his injured foot.The following evening (7/16) with his wife Carolyn and sister in law Lauren the three perished in a plane crash piloted by John into the dark Atlantic ocean

7/16 (2019)
Trump awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to baseball legend Mariano Rivera#42
The nation's highest civilian honor!

3:25 > 5:5 > VE > 11.5 Remember
JFK, Jr = 55

Last footage of John F. Kennedy Jr July 15, 1999 - YouTube

On July 15, 1999 John F Kennedy Jr. attended a Yankee's game hours after having his cast removed from his injured foot. The following evening with his wife C...

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

How do you know all this baseball stuff! 😅
2023 - 1999 = 24

7/15 > 8:5 ts

In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication

😅 It's a gift = 91 | 19 = DNA

5:04 | 45

8:23 | 5/8
5/12/19 > 5/4 | 45 = 9 symbolizes divine completeness or conveys the meaning of finality.

9 =7
Black Tie Event > 129 > 127 | 7.21 🚨

[00]7 License to Kill
Double Zero > 123
Eight Eight = 123
Trump = 88

Double Zero Seven = 188
President Kennedy = 188

188 > 116 / 911 🚨

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication


Title-42 Initiates Act 3 > 45

In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication

In addition…
6:30 > 54 | D5

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

Declass in Simple Gematria equals 63

In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication


"Declass in Simple Gematria equals 63"
63 / 9:03 pm

9:13 | 4:9 > 58
Pool = 58

DSG in simple Gematria = 30
Check = 30

When a king is attacked, it is called check (written as "+" in chess notation)
Check can be viewed as saying "Watch out! The king is attacked!"


63 > 666/999

The "CHAIR" serves the Master.
Who is the Master?
P = C.

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

What if P is not a person, but a thing? Remember Clint Eastwood at the 2012 RNC talking to the empty chair? We all thought it was BHO.

May 19, 2020 1:04:06 PM EDT
For future events.

P = 16
Sewart = 16
16 = 88 = Gods Plan

“Judah’s Kings Crowned on a Unique “Pillar”

Why would Jeremiah have brought this mysterious stone all the way to Ireland unless it had profound significance? Is it possible that Lia-Fail was the very “pillar-stone” associated with the coronation of all the kings of ancient Judah—and was thus central to Jeremiah’s divine commission to “build and plant” (Jer. 1:10)?”

Pillar Stone = 141 = 420 = Trump card
That would be Biblical, indeed.
3 pics⤵️

Jacobs Pillow. > 137 > 1:10

I'm curious..

Does the stone relate to the Second coming of Christ?
the 'Holy Grail'
Holy Grail = 107 > Q

Was the Stone of Destiny really stolen or was it returned to it's rightful owner?

The stone at the coronation.. was it real or fake?

11:53 > 88
Trump = 88

Trump Card = 114
Keystone = 114

114 > 24 | 42
NYC = 42

P = 16 / 61
Sync = 61

This is crazy...

Sync > Sink
England to NYC 🤔

Is this a coincidence?
What was on the Titanic?
'The Heart Of the Ocean' = Jewel = Precious Stone

Scone = 56
April = 56

10 - 4 | 4/10 (1912)
4/10 > 4/1

'Millionaires Special' = 201
Its April Fools Day = 201

In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @sercorimo in this post can reply

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

I have not found direct references To The Holy Grail. However… Later, according to Jewish legend, it became the pedestal of the ark in the Temple.

After God changed his name to Israel, he then used it as a pillar to mark the covenant he made with God.

Ark Of The Covenant = 178 > 88

Remember this list?

Harrison Ford = 145 > 55
Bari M Shabazz = 126 > 27
May The Fourth = 16
Indiana Jones = 115 > 16

☠️☠️☠️☠️ Kingdom of The Crystal Skull (2008 > 88)

Star Wars (1977).
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Return of the Jedi (1983)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Temple of Doom (1984)
The Last Crusade (1989)
Patriot Games (1992)
Clear and Present Danger (1994)
Air Force One (1997)
What Lies Beneath (2000)
Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
Paranoia (2013)
42 (2013)
Ender’s Game (2013)

In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication

I apologize, I should have been more specific.
'The Stone of Destiny has become Scotland’s Holy Grail'

Stolen v Kidnapped
Students v Scholar

Indiana searches for his father, a Holy Grail scholar, who has been kidnapped and held hostage by the Nazis while on a journey to find the Holy Grail.
'fighting against the Nazis'

I remember your list..
I also remember that ts 👀
Junior = 87 > 717
Justice = 87
Truth = 87

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In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

Pillow mᵉraʼăshâh, mer-ah-ash-aw'; (formed like H4761;) properly, a headpiece, i.e. (plural for adverbial) at (or as) the head-rest (or pillow):—bolster, head, pillow. Compare H4772.place at the head, dominion, head place

formed like H4761 (principality.)

Beth -el meaning House Of God Gen 28:18

And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it.
Gen 28:19
And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first.

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

The “Rock” of Israel (Jacob)

After Jacob’s death, the Bethel-stone remained the possession of his sons. Given the importance of the stone, there is no doubt that it accompanied the children of Israel on their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.

As the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, the Scriptures suggest that a highly favored rock accompanied them….The indication here is that the people were quite familiar with this unique rock and aware of the miracles associated with it.

Kinda reminds me of a certain cube?

tesseract > 110


In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication

"The Rock of Israel is a concept in Judaism that alludes to God, and in Zionism and politics'

2:50 | 322 > Skull and Bones

SYMBOLISM will be their downfall.

The Cube.
The cross and the Black Cubes. NYC 9/11

2 pics ⤵️

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May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.

In response sercorimo ... to her Publication

Vincent Kenned®@RealVincentKennedy • Jan 1 (1:10)

I would say Happy New Year but that's on Fools Day.
Because they like to mock.

#iykyk - Ben Garrison - prophetic? Flipping the script!

Oh My Gosh, Ser!

What a rabbit hole…..

It’s madness > 123 > 114

That would truly be a case of killing two birds with one stone! 😳

3 pics⤵️

In response Hyssop Cedar to her Publication

It IS madness!!! 🐰🤯

April Tenth = 123
123 > 33 > 12:21 (takes it away)

Tip Of The Iceberg
Follow the $$$

2 'birds'..
John Jacob Astor > JJA = 111
Isidor Straus > IS = 28 > 88

A silly or stupid person = A Fool = April
Charade : An act or event that is clearly false
Charade v Parade > Macy's = Isidor Straus

Magic Eight Ball = 109
Its Coming 109
Seventeen 109
Witness 109
Nesara Gesara 109
The Titanic 109
109 = 10

John Jacob Astor = 151
Jesus Christ 151
Jesus Is Alive 151
The Great Reset 151

Isidor Straus 172
Here Comes the Son = 172

151 > 16 / 19 = DNA
172 = 19

5/8 Gregorian = 4/25 Julian
4/25 > 4/10

Time to sail?
1912 > 10:12 | 2:11
2:11 > 11:11

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