Gonna be GLORIOUS❤️ Co-Chair @ Memetrunk.com

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
I have to ask, why does anyone want to go back?
I’m looking forward to getting back on. I also was able to tune into my first Twitter Space last night and it seems like a powerful tool to connect within our community.

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5
Got it. Personally I have been humiliated, lied to and abandoned enough for one lifetime for being too honest and too loyal. I am more concerned with the return of my own son, the soul family I thought I found, my best friend who all AI took from me as I became a forgotten nobody, and the Return of Our Savior Jesus Christ. A social media account is nothing to me

Gonna be GLORIOUS❤️ Co-Chair @ Memetrunk.com
I know some of what you’ve been through, Chris, I’m so sorry. The war & evil is real. But we’re going to turn this around. Sending love & prayers your way❤️