Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
Had to delete a post today for the first time on AnonUp. It was a post about exposing Child Porn however it was too graphic and got contacted by our hosting company to remove. Just wanted you all to be aware.
However to be clear we are here to fight against the exploitation of children.
I get your vibe on this subject. I get so worked up I cannot control myself well at all. I can feel my personal frequency going down......but then I get the message from higher realms....settle down...I/We got this....it is/will be 'handled', don't you worry about that. I know this already, but it sure helps to remember once again to relax in knowing the truly BIG power has this all worked out perfectly. I am ready for any help that is needed....at any time :-)