C before D. Coats before Declas. There's the coats.
someones last post was deleted... but Alice in Wonderland ... Alice is a super computer for the dod kraken group... perhaps
Kraken is a super computer. It's also so many other things. Military related.
Kraken and Alice...Kracken vs Alice?
Is how the military tracks ballots, money, etc with the use of blockchain ink and spaceforce satellites
There was a strange reference to the rabbit hole by the GA judicial committee member...she seemed so guilty or good actor because she originally fought against dominon then defended it flat out...
The chinese ballot video said they could not recreate the metallic ink then i've heard the newer $100 bills can be tracked/seen by federal agencies enforcement...
Satellites could track Co-V-Fe-Fe like an MRI or X-ray for adrenochrome
IBM has a big DOD contract and launched the Q experience in 2016 (i think)... we know the other side has the Alphabet Co. (owning the alaphabet is really messed up BTW) I would not be suprised and believe they too have a quantom computer Recently IBM claimed to have 100 times faster applications by the end of the year... sounds good for XRP and at the pace of Ripple payment systems with 3-4 second settlement times... That is a lot in a few posts but once you see it, its hard not to