Follower of Yahusha ha Mashiach. Truth seeker - Happily married to Chris, mother to Kelle, Jake & Josh BARUCH HABA BASHEM YAHUAH

Rapture on Ascension Day, May 18, 2023, Signs in 30AD - YouTube

Thus far, we have discovered 13 signs for a rapture on Ascension Day, this year, May 18. They are the following signs:1. On May 18, the moon, Jupiter and Ves...

I've always understood this....

Matthew 24:36
King James Version
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

However...that being said....if "they" added the words "day and..." then this COULD make sense. I'm not saying that they did...I'm just...well...there's been so much do we really know?

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