w/Michelle Moore
🇺🇸 Juan
10:41 It’s more than just witnesses—it’s whistleblowers.
People like Mike Gill.
Mike ran for governor in New Hampshire.
He tracked down all these money-laundering locations
inside the banking system in NH
where the bad guys had been money laundering
over $900+ BILLION in various accounts.
In S. Dakota they found $300+ BILLION.
The money’s sent outside the U.S., usually to Israel
then comes back & goes into properties, all hidden in LLCs.
When people around Ghislaine Maxwell
wanted to hide her out
they moved her to New Hampshire
bought her a multi-million $ estate, using an LLC
& had her hanging out there, part safe,
while they were figuring out what they were going to do with her.
The money that went into her LLC
that she bought the house with
+ the former owners of the house WERE ALL TIED BACK TO
players in the Obama Administration 💥

This is precisely why when Guliani did his presser after the election theft in 2021, he did it behind the Four Seasons(not a hotel) that was a shell company for the Biden’s. He was showing them he knew without saying it… White Hat move written all over it.
Did not realize that, Pepe. So cool!! 💪🇺🇸💥