This hit home with me because I tried several times to open my sons eyes, and his reply was that he is atheist and none of this affects him personally. Furthermore, after knowing I didn't buy into the Covid hoax, he cut me off from my grandkids telling me I was going to be a part of killing others if I didn't mask up or get the vaccines. This is why I posted this and there is absolutely nothing I can do but hope he and others who think like him wake up.
Love our Great Republic of the United State of America! Love our Beloved Earth, Pray Kindness and Truth prevail! #savethechildren #WWG1WGA
The deep state was very effective in putting them all to sleep. The Light of God will awaken many and we will be there to get help them get up and back on their feet. God's Speed to All! God Bless us ALL! Father forgive them for they know not what they do.
I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
I Understand your Frustration: BUT the Teaching of non-Woke American History and American Government have been slowly and methodically Removed from our Educational Curriculum for over 60 years, so a lot of people never even received even a basic understanding of the historical importance of our history and/or the God-given Rights bestowed upon us by our Constitution.
I Am 64 Years old and even when these ideas were taught, i seemed to be the only one of my classmates who truly paid attention and took this seriously!
The Deep State Demonionists WANT us to blame and become Divided and Frustrated over the "IGNORE"-ANCE of our Fellow Citizens, when they, as usual Created the Problem by not providing people with the necessary Knowledge and Understanding of the Importance of their Rights
Discernment is critical.
Less than 1/3 of the colonists helped in the revolutionary war and out of that number only some of those were actually participating in the kinetics of war.
It is the way of man.