My heart is breaking for my sister . I feel and so does she that they murdered her husband in the hospital . He fell in a store yesterday they said he fell hit his head and went into cardiac arrest they broke a couple ribs giving him cpr . By the time I got to the hospital they had a vent in him and were waiting for life flight , by the time the guys come in for life flight he moved his feet a little and was trying to open his eyes . My sister and her son went to be with him at the other hospital and they told her he was brain dead so when they took the vent off she said he opened his eyes and couldn’t talk but moved his lips told her he loved her she said he looked so scared and in pain but she told the nurses he wasn’t brain dead he was communicating with her and they told her some times it takes awhile to go and the nurses looked at each other and the one nurse came over and put something in his iv and a few minutes he was gone . This is a nightmare . These hospitals have to be sto
Catholic Christian Remnant, Pure Blood, Mother, Wife, Business Owner, Son of Liberty Rebel Patriot, Trump Won, God Wins
I personally know of at least four healthy people who died inside of two weeks in hospitals by being on a vent and given remdesever - When dear God is this slaughter going to be exposed.?
They did that to so many here and they died and they tried to get my husband on the vent and he refused. He is still here thank God . Praying for my sister who just lost her husband