When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins
President Trump's speech today was so jammed with answers & he told us exactly what was going to happen.
The Reps prior to the actual 2016 Elections, were privy to the#VoteFraud & were told which way it was going - Hellary's way, the demon's way, which is man's way, which is the evil way. To save themselves & family from literal hell on earth, to survive the pit (DC), they too had to make a deal with the devil. It wasn't from their heart in belief or support for, but a fear response to survive. These are those, I believe, that were on that train in 2017, mostly all Reps heading to hideout a while just after#PresidentDonaldJTrump gave his first#SOTU. They knew what was coming yet stayed and played the game for#TeamAmerica#TeamGod & others, due to absolute fear.
Good guy - someone who had no choice in the role they play due to childhood, fear bullied, trauma or tradition, etc. Their steps are not their own so they become frozen to emotion & life.
Nice guy=Idiot/clueless.
When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins
#EisenhowerPlan - he just told us that it's a "different" plan meaning#SpaceForceTeam using our "AI Extra-Terrestrial" or a Higher Energy Source that began/was development or given to us during Eisenhower's#UFOArea51 story that flooded the world.#DonaldTrump is talking about THAT kind of PLAN! It's a Hand of God Moment.
ALL THE PEOPLE have to journey to their HOME for the Census, which is really, Jubilee in your true land & true "family". Those "really bad ones" that don't want to leave, he said they'd have to be put back into a cell. A Cell. That's rebirth at every level for every group.
Now, where "Rebirth" occurs, in what "Homeland" originally birthed, that's another "story". Different sands for different lands. Different stars for different gods, galaxies. Our blood matters as we go through that sea of plasma - it's our DNA family we meet, our Tree of Life. It's in that "Sea of Blood" we are led Home, our True HOME. Seas hold all memories & dreams, spoken & written.#tru
When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins
The#HandOfGodMoment is which "Hand" will be used to do "What"? The Right Hand of God, which is where "The Son" sits, is meant to be, in it's True ORIGINS, the Truth of God within a True Man of God, who writes in his true#truth with power using His Hand! The Righteous Divine Hand who too, hand the "Finger" who wrote the 1st#10Commandments as the 2nd set,#NewSet of Commandments was written by Moses when he went back up the Mountain to obtain forgiveness of the people's ignorance due to their bondage for 400 yrs. Moses went up the Mtn 3x, 40 days each time regarding Laws of God. That's Saul, David & Solomon 40 yr rule each. Saul fell on his own sword, his own law, movement, words. David a man of God's own heart which is good, the other half of man (his mind) daydreamer vs fantasy island. Bath-Sheba held a lineage there. After Solomon was 40 yrs old, he was "fell-in-love" with the Queen of Sheba.#TheArkOfTheCovenant (The Word of the✋Hand of God#LAWS) is about to shine!
When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins
That would be going from the Laws of Man made in the image of God's Law 2 Laws (Heavenly/Earthly) Love your Heavenly Father with all your Spirit, Body & Soul and love thy neighbor as yourself. The Mind is the Neighbor, the Source of Light. It's our Consciousness. Then there's the Laws of the Land made by those that rule those lands (peoples). Saul fell on his own Self, vanity, thoughts via his fear of losing face with God, while Paul, was knocked off the horse (movement of the spirit or wind directing the will of the people per the double-edge sword standing guard over the Temple) was now using his Voice as his sword.#LostInTranslation
We are all Pauls' and whatever "edge of the Sword" we swing or cast out of our mouth, understanding the edges/lanes we want them to ride/hit, determines whose Law the land is judged by, Love or Fear?
This all takes#HigherLearning#TheEvent to understand God NEVER left He's just been cutting edge of all things which is so sharp,💪cuts are unseen
David pleaded and praised the Lord all through Psalms. The command center of the Hands of God, the Right and the Left. He had the Higher Aspects of God, all the Love the heart holds and acts in. He was in a palace on his balcony, looking of the edge below to the rooftops and saw the woman bathing in the moonlight. David was artistic, a musician, poet, he was a True Artist, the Right Brain, controlling the Left side of the body who holds the Knowledge & Wisdom needed to keep the Artistry balanced. We are the canvas so if you stay on the Left Brain of David, you know all the things taught by or in the world, you also control the Right side of the body, which is the Earthly "righteousness" or teachers, or Truth.
Whatever your own#truth is - directs your Path next & determines what#SolomonsTemple will hold for you. Your TRUE SOURCE OF LIGHT matters. Lighting determines the Priceless Art from the counterfeit "works of art" because their lies were endless. Giants are Truth & Lies.
When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins
Hence the Earthly "church" took it's roots from that same Left Brain side of the "Almighty" God, it thinks it has the Divine Knowledge & Wisdom held by & protected by the Left Hand of God, the Shield Bearers. They carried that heavy life savor day & night. They needed some help from above, the Swords (Words) of those that went before them. Forefathers.
Unfortunately, due to the lack of all "metal-smiths" and now the birth of only "wordsmiths", the DIVINE SPIRIT OF TRUTH FROM THE SOURCE OF ALL LIFE AND GOODNESS, LIGHT, was in fact,#LostInTranslation multiple multiple times. It was#CLONED. The images in the story had to change as memories, artistry, gifts were being ignited into the life their lies of 50-shades of gray, from dark to light as each "shade" has it's own hue. History had to be so hard to right after Solomon said to cut the baby in half. That was now,#TheGREATSHISMOF1054! THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE SPLIT IN TWO, WEST/EAST. That was IT! The duality - Evil allowed in the gate
When you know, you know & family who fight together, stay together! #TruePatriot #PresidentTrumpIsMyPresident #DivineWisdom #GodWins
To tell you how important the year 1054 is - something so HUGE OCCURRED it changed the entire landscape of the Mississippi River.
A#Shism is what changed the "land" scaped area, a Sword was pulled out of a Stone when the split of that Holy Roman Empire church, tear the "Holy" part out, did the Holy part get divided, shared? So it became Unholy? When it's "body of Christ" was shaken, the split caused many to be like new born babies. They only knew the ONE. This is how easily they were deceived. Love was always the first attribute in the Original body. That's why they want to destroy the ability to Love - It's the Lead to change in all ways, walks.
You can't Love "down to your Soul" something you don't have or know. This is what is occurring today in the world. This will be the way people can tell who is OF HIM and who is not. Counterfeits lack knowledge & wisdom of True Love & Pure Heart. They perish. 2023-1054=969=age of Methuselah when he had a "son" - Noah. Let it Rain!