I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
This is gold!

I Only seek the approval of God. Those with demonic agenda can shove it.
The elite souless shills have certainly changed their "Twitter ownership can do whatever they want" tune! Now that Elon stripped them of their precious check marks.

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
Indeed! Looks good on them. 😉

I Only seek the approval of God. Those with demonic agenda can shove it.
Elites, and shill followers caring more about their precious social media statues over the innocence of children. Disgusting how things have gotten this far.
It’s funny, I was looking at her wall and her interest’s were focused around gun control. Typical honeypot working the masses. I absolutely loathe everything about her. She is a goddess in their eyes. 😣 Quite sad.