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Fox News settles Defamation lawsuit with Dominion ($787.5 million).
Alex Jones ordered to pay $965 million in Sandy Hook defamation trial.
These may appear different, but they are EXACTLY the same.
Both had legitimate claims about their accusers, yet both DIDN’T follow through and lost close to a BILLION DOLLARS.
Alex had the goods on Sandy Hook but didn’t deliver.
Fox News had the goods on Dominion but settled.
This played out EXACTLY the way it was planned. You are looking at the NEW weapon of controlled opposition.
They take a VERY HOT ISSUE that can easily be proven, they scream about it louder than anyone can from the best platforms, they capture virtually all the interested parties from these issues. So, they suck in all of the believers (MARKET SHARE) then they INTENTIONALLY FAIL!
continued in comments

I will say they aren't really the same situation.
Jones had 3 cases that actually went to trial with corrupt judges that wouldn't allow defense to present evidence etc. He was found guilty before the trials and the trials were just to see how much he would pay. If he offered any defense he would be held in contempt due to the rules of the judge had for things he was and wasn't allowed to say...And Jones is now appealing the decisions
Whereas Fox settled with no trial and no discovery etc
Both may be controlled ops, but one is highly censored and was debanked, taken off of all social media, won't auto populate in search engine history, won't auto populate in web browser history, isn't funded by Pfizer, etc...
The other is pushed into your house on all major cable , pushed on all news feeds, is sponsored by Pfizer etc
good points but everything is scripted if you dig deep enough. and if you dig on alex jones...pretty obvious he is dark asset