Checking in to see how everyone is doing / feeling.
Seems like like lots of people are exhausted and feeling not so great.
The energy does seem intense lately, and things seem 'slow' / not much happening. I always feel like this makes things feel worse.
We have a great home here where we can lean on each other.
Speak up if you need it.
I do need some help with something. I only have 100+ (Enough for me) followers and can’t get anyone to answer a question I have. Maybe someone here can help me.
When the switch to cbdc goes into effect, will my US Treasury Savings Bonds be worthless? I’m getting a little anxious about thinking I might lose my retirement money as that’s what they’re intended for.
Please help ✨
I am not a professional, but it seems you MIGHT have answered your own question.
The FED is going bye bye, but the Treasury is Constitutionally mandated.
These are unsettling times. Hard assets bring some people more comfort. I am a big fan of old sayings of wisdom, such as: DON’T put all your eggs in one basket.