Lover of the Nature Spirits and Natural Law. No Masters. No Slaves. FREEDOM #NewEarth
"The white hat military alliance is awaiting Bidan's approval rating to tank to 20% or below before going public with the operation (possibly the EBS) as they want to ensure the overwhelming majority of Americans are onboard with removing the puppet publicly and legally."
We Are Watching A White Hat Movie: The 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency
Let's be very clear before we dive into this highly debated topic, the real Joseph R. Biden is dead and was executed via Human Rights International military tribunal in 2019 for crimes against children/humanity. Since then the individual we have seen campaign, debate, commit election fraud/treason, ..
https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/we-are-watching-a-white-hat-movie-the-2021-usa-inc-joe-biden-shadow-presidencyAnd how is this going to be accomplished when it's evident that ALL polls are rigged just like the elections? The fact that there's not one pro-Biden hat, t-shirt, sign or flag waving should be enough!