Yup…our friendly sky’s are being sprayed almost every day even at night here in central Illinois!! Sick!! 😳

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
I am inclined to believe the spraying is now beneficial for the planet. I can’t see the degree of Deep State collapse we are currently seeing & still believe the bad guys are dumping poisons on us daily.
A couple of things I believe we currently need addressed is mitigating the higher energies coming into the planet & possible healing of previous damage. I could see the good guys using the same technology that been used to harm Earth to help the planet.

Them fkn inbred devils call it "mosquito spraying" meaning us. THE FKN AUDACITY GOD'S SKIES< THIS ABJECT SATANIC BULLSHIT MUST CEASE> I could go into endless layers. YEP