13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......
Ark of the Covenant
200 who fell to earth.
Fell in a flash of light.
Pyramids a life generating device.
More to the point probably a portal(Stargate) to bring THEM here.
Pyramids broken so gotta rebuild.
CERN the modern day pyramids.
What gives something MASS.
We know why.
Star Trek Transporter (energize).
Book of Enoch.
Enoch was transported by THEM to heaven.
Haven not heaven it seems.
Haven means a place of safety or refuge.
An inlet for a ship.
Which brings us to the Ark of the covenant.
Ark means ship.
Covenant is an agreement for the performance of some action.
Could this fabled Ark of the
Covenant contain remnants of their conscious or instructions to build a contraption to bring them back.
Fallen Angels sit on the Ark.
It is said the Ark of the Covenant resided in the Kings chamber in pyramid of Giza.
Elite have a secret covenant.
An agreement.
You bring us back in return for earthly secrets and rule.
Sounds about right!
The 200 fallen ones have been permanently banned from returning to heaven. Not even the mighty Enoch was able to negotiate for them a deal. If you read the book of Enoch closely you'll come to understand that the main reason for their eternal damnation was defiling themselves (co-mingling) with human females.
Boy oh boy... lol.