This spiritual battle has been wearing me down lately frens 😮💨 I don't like to complain about my own situation because I KNOW there are others out there that are struggling and have it way worse than I do. It feels selfish to bring up my own struggles. So I guess this is more of a personal vent to get it off my chest and move on because I do feel exhausted and overwhelmed by all of it. Sometimes it feels like I'm battling all alone surrounded on all sides. I recently went through a bad bout with my ptsd and depression, I think the drop in mental health lowered my immunity because shortly after I got really sick with strep, swiftly followed by my sister's situation with her abuser, then my monthly cycle right after and I'm feeling weak from the cramping. *sigh* It's just one thing after the other...feel like I haven't been able to catch my breath. I'm doing my best to drink lots of water, get out in the sunshine and ground, find my peaceful balance again. I just feel so beat up!

Hopefully this is taken in light and not as an attack on your struggles.
I feel as if all traumas in life come back around until they are healed. They’ll always be there until we “relive it” in our mind, feel those emotions, accept them, and make peace with that experience. It’s easier said than done but I feel it’s always the lesson at hand. Could this possible relate to your PTSD?
I also feel every physical response in the body is nothing more than an internal response to an emotion that has not been dealt with yet.
It’s tough out there, one thing after another, something different and new everyday. Almost feels like a never ending downward spiral, you may say where’s the light we’ve all been waiting for?
Well, it’s in you. Always has been and always will be. You just have to remember what it’s hidden under. You got this, we all do.

I did not perceive this as an attack in any way shape or form, this message felt more like a concerned parent wanting the best for their kiddos. Do you have children?

Sometimes people read things the wrong way and take offense when that was never the intention, so I wanted to prevent that from happening.
I do not have children.

I'm suprised, well then you'll be a great father someday if you ever want to be. 😊🙏
Thank You for your kind words.