This spiritual battle has been wearing me down lately frens 😮💨 I don't like to complain about my own situation because I KNOW there are others out there that are struggling and have it way worse than I do. It feels selfish to bring up my own struggles. So I guess this is more of a personal vent to get it off my chest and move on because I do feel exhausted and overwhelmed by all of it. Sometimes it feels like I'm battling all alone surrounded on all sides. I recently went through a bad bout with my ptsd and depression, I think the drop in mental health lowered my immunity because shortly after I got really sick with strep, swiftly followed by my sister's situation with her abuser, then my monthly cycle right after and I'm feeling weak from the cramping. *sigh* It's just one thing after the other...feel like I haven't been able to catch my breath. I'm doing my best to drink lots of water, get out in the sunshine and ground, find my peaceful balance again. I just feel so beat up!
You’re not alone. We will make it through.
May G_d bless you and everyone struggling with the strength to endure.