You know how the Nazis got away by either fleeing to Argentina or assimilating into the scientific community of the United States?
After Christ was crucified where did the pharisees -who orchestrated his arrest- go?
After Christianity began to spread more and more, where did those Pharisees end up?
And what about Herod the Great, and Herod Antipas, the Roman governors of Judah? Where did that line of gubernatorial elite Romans go after the fall of Rome?
What did the dirty pharisees and the pagan governors become?
Who were the Caesars and the Pilots and the Herods further down the patrilineal bloodlines when Rome burnt to the ground?
No, not Nazis - not right away; that was later.
But who worked with, funded, directed and controlled the altar boy and Jesuit trained Adolf Hitler?
What was founded between the fall of Rome, and well before the 3rd Reich, that held immense political power over the entire "Christendom" up until the Protestant Reformation?
Working to stay on the good path in a good way. #SaveTheChildren. I love God the Creator, Source of all, be positive my frens and manifest.
Once upon a time, Jeruselem fell, 70AD.
Josephus Flavius with friends & their families went to Rome.
The mithras cult flurrished for the humble people, while Sol Invictus was held in underground cripts with membership being miltary officers & the Roman bureaucrats, senators & emperors. Leaders of Sol Invictus & Christianity, one and the same.
Symbols of the 12 tribes end up on royal's & popes flags.
Secret clubs & bloodlines go way back...
That's history. Yup.