"What you know to be true" Care to unpack that a bit for us? Because for many of us, what we know to be true is you all are wrong over and over. Prediction after prediction this drop that drop. he will take office back in 6 months, a year,2years over and over again with the same crap that NEVER happens? you cant indict a sitting president yet BOOM they did so whats that tell you? some of us wear our big people clothes and are simply tired of your false hope spread by YOU False profits...So at 62 I suppose I am a black pill because I see the forest through the trees so be it.But I live in reality not romper room.Im a bit harsher than y'all NONE OF THIS WILL HAPPEN. No Magic bullets or magic men..The way you get it back? DO YOUR DUTY AS A CITIZEN of this Democratic "REPUBLIC" its YOUR JOB to fix it Nobody elses Us black pills tire of your misguided predictions..and are getting restless ..so i implore yall "TO WAKE UP"