The deepstate democrats fell for yet another trap ... when the old kennedy democrats see how this new democratic party treats RFK JR they will finally see the light and vote@realDonaldTrump or finally wake up to what the democratic party has become.
Robert will speak truth as he has for decades.
What Robert will say will rattle cages, cause division
which IS exactly why
Robert will be heard.
Many will question decades of information that conflicts with what Robert says building a platform to promote Trump. I took a small Trump/Robert Poll this morning. Almost 70% of the 300 votes was for Trump.
That's An Awesome Amount!
We LOVE Robert! We LOVE What He IS Doing! ððð
DNC plus many knuckleheads will expose themselves by their own doings, by their own hand fumbling around trying to cover up, twist Robert's words... But to no avail.
Truth Shall Prevail! ððð
Robert is a controlled opposition in the best way possible...He Will Tell Truth And Support Trump Policies... ðķA Drunkard's Dream IF I Ever Did See One.ðķ
Praise Father God! ððððž
Praise Jesus! ððððž