The World Health Organization warns of the emergence in Europe of a new species of mosquitoes carrying dangerous viruses.
Aedes mosquitoes, which carry viral diseases such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya, have become increasingly common in southern Europe, with populations in Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Croatia at risk, according to the WHO.
Unlike malaria-carrying mosquitoes that hunt at night, Aedes mosquitoes attack humans during the day.
“Because these mosquitoes can attack several people in one day, this contributes to the emergence of outbreaks in areas with high population density,” the WHO said.
And yes, of course, global warming is to blame for everything - they say that mosquitoes woke up because of the high temperatures recorded in European countries during the spring and summer months.

God fearing southern patriot - 2nd Amendment advocate - Conservative Constitutionalist
And I’m sure it has nothing to do with the gmo mosquitoes they are releasing. Like the ones in Florida 🙄

Power of IAM. Saving the Children.Frequency369Ascension. Fooked.God Wins.Second Coming. Witness Protection program.Q is real #StandWithTrump
They must announce what they are going to do to us! Law of the Universe!