1855 – ISIS formed by the Sanusi family, also related to UK royalty (Khazars)
1861 – United with 322 skulls and bones (Khazars)
1870 – 1930 BIG Pharma (Khazar)
Act of England 1871 (The Secret Constitution set up by the Secret Societies) Khazars
The 1912 Titanic/Olympic Games Sinking (Who Was Aboard, What Really Happened)
1913 Federal Reserve
1917 – 1923 Bolshevik Revolution
1945 – 1959 Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird.
1948 - Israel established (Khazar/Bolshevik government)
1949 – Mossad = CIA created
For every bad there's a good. It's Father God's rules. Lucifer takes the good, perverts the shit out of it beyond belief.
The good and the bad fig tree were planted in Israel 1948. Israel, the good fig tree, only country established by Father God Creator YHVH AND Yeshua Messiah Christ Jesus.
Bad fig tree, Lucifer's spurious jew Kenites, jewry, jewing everyone down every chance they get, abuse through usury.
Good Faithful Hebrews and Yucky Evil Murderous Blood Drinking Kenites pretending to be Hebrews...Calling Themselves Jews perverting the faith.
1948 established the benchmark for this last generation. The fruit is ripe, harvest is upon us. We will see crossovers followers of the darkness, their eyes open realizing they were bamboozled.
Father God's patience is incredible.
Father God is restoring Earth. We don't want one speck of evil entering in the 3rd Earth Age with us. Lake Of Fire Consumes Lucifer, His Kenite children, & Lucifer followers.