MAGA - Harm NONE - Treat others the way you want to be treated - SAVE THE CHILDREN - We are ALL ONE - WWG1WGA/NCSWIC/TBIYTC
This is a great exchange and brings home the TRUTH about 'transgenderism' - I do not know what year this was but it is very enlightening!! He leaves this person speechless!!
Transgenderism is a mental disease and it is a form of pedophilia!!! It is designed to:
*Take God out of the individual - God is written in our DNA.
*Male and female are encrypted in our DNA and biologically boys cannot be girls and girls cannot be boys. Anything else is crap made up.
*Confuse the children about their gender (there are only 2 - male/female.
*It breaks up the family unit - turns children against their parents.
*This is a crime against humanity, child abuse and we will not have a future if they corrupt our children into this false ideaology.
*They serve a transgender 'god' that is half male and half female and want to pervert the rest of socieity into their delusional mental illness.
HE/she shows it's mental health. Mental Health needs fixing
MAGA - Harm NONE - Treat others the way you want to be treated - SAVE THE CHILDREN - We are ALL ONE - WWG1WGA/NCSWIC/TBIYTC
He does not seem open minded to anything in this video at least - maybe things have changed for him, hope so. A mind is like a parachute, it has to be open in order to work..............