Father, husband, brother and occasional Eye Doc. Do the next right thing.
We hear a lot, they talk a lot..... unfortunately the Democrats are the only ones who "do" anything other than gab. All these Nazi pictures and fries if injustice are just a circle jerk or preaching to the choir....take you pick. I hope and pray today's actions against#45 finally knock over at least one domino.
Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Equal opportunity offender. I don't worship any party or person.
They just buy and use the most inept, unconstitutional, marxist idiots hoping they can continue to push their commie/nazi agenda through not caring what happens to the useful idiot as those responsible walk away only to continue their unconstitutional agenda. Hopefully this case leads to going after those who are truly responsible and not just going after Bragg because if it doesn't, then nothing else will.