Lover of my God, My Jesus, My Holy Spirit, my family and my country
It is time for the trash in the bottom of the Rabbit Holes to be made known and the holes permanently eliminated. We are well past the point of diminished returns and unjustified harm is now being done. If ppl are not awake now, they never will be. Save what is left NOW or it was a 6 year psyop with nothing to show for it except the last viable option, civil war. Isn't this what all this is trying to prevent? How many people have to stand at the precipice before "they" notice millions are FALLING OFF because they were told to "remain calm, trust, in essence a portion of their government (when has THAT even been a good idea) and wait....and wait....and wait. End date? People are hurting, REALLY hurting. Time for "games" and "chess moves" is over.
i 💯 believe White Hats are in Control.
You raise valid points most of us have considered. i have wondered many times
if possibly they underestimated the depth
of the deep sleep the sheep are in.
When all is said and done.. if something
doesn't happen SOON the White Hats
may be left with a planet of NPC's, for
the Awakened will have withered away
and turned into dust.

Yes, that is the thing. I think they are in a deeper sleep than anyone could have realised.
It's not fair on the awakened to just be staring at the walls waiting on life to begin.
There comes a point when the hammer has to fall and fuck the sleepers, let them suffer for a while.

Abraham Lincoln: Let the People Know the TRUTH and the Country is Safe. Love me some MAGA ENERGY!!! 🇱🇷❤️🇺🇸 IFBAP 🇱🇷❤️🇱🇷
i turned 69 in December, that absolutely has
fed my impatience. Who wants to miss the
Party. i can seriously see this playing out
for YEARS waiting for the Big Wake Up.
i try to Let Go and Let God, But....... 😆