God Bless you all. Thank you for#HoldingTheLine ❤🇺🇸


late is better than never.

My sister in Cali called me last February to make sure me and my family had enough food and supplies for 2 weeks to 30 days incase of a lockdown. I thought IS SHE CRAZY!?!? NOOOOO! This is my sister, wtf is really going on?!?! She gave me about 8 people to follow on twitter, which i had to make an account. I have been digging and learning while trying to play catch up. Along with trying to wake up family and frends. I don't get how DC can be fenced and guarded while Portland and other cities are just ignored. Just a Myth huh? Thaks to my sis ❤️🇺🇸👊🏽❤️🐸#Ghostriders#wwg1wgaww

it has been 7 years for me. Gues how excited I got to see VK at 9/10

Fuck that YOU ARE RIGHT ON TIME! We are some of those people been at it now for 12 yrs together, being truthers separately long b4 that with others have known each other 4 26 yrs or more n We THANKQ! from the bottom of our hearts for the recognition and for Awakening! We need all hands on deck!!! Don't care what Rank you are, we need all eyea n ears in all nooks n crannies across this gl9be. Welcome Home Fam! Much Love n Light to You n Yours Always ~ WWG1WGA 🙏🇺🇲💫💜

Salliari ThankQ for sharing this, YOU'RE AWESOME Much Love n Light to You and Youts Always 🙏💫💜 Namaste Bless You

Retired Engineer- Anti-terrorism & blast consultant DoD & DOS. Survivor SRA, Mk-Ultra,child trafficking. Wife USMC combat veteran #Godwins
Wow beautiful. Thank-you. 18 years - from conception survivor. 63 years is a long time it will be 64 in less than 2 weeks now.
We spoke out in the 70's and 80's but were silenced...obviously.

My hubby was a Patriot, as am I - & Constitutional Conservative Christian, Texan, dog mom, digital soldier…WWG1WGA
We are so happy you're here! Now help us bring along more folks to the truth! God bless the Patriots!
~ The Wife

Be with GOD and trust his plan... Q TEAM and the 1111 thing too, Looking for the truth dark to LIGHT . #WWG1WGA Took My Oath.

I have known for decades, I just didn't know what to do. We didn't have internet yet. Even when we did, we did not have a movement. We had a leader, Ron Paul, Ross Perot, and others. But the media would always tear them down. It wasn't until Trump that I saw a real movement with a strong leader that didn't give a shit what they called him. Just like me. Welcome to the club, we saved a seat for you.

Ross Perot jr has a house here in the UK, my husband was their gardener for a couple of years. i always wondered if they were on the good side or not after finding out Killary had been to stay there.

Just a mom living for TRUTH ~ pEaCE ~ SaLVaTion ~ LAUGHTER 🇺🇸💗😘 Jesus IS truth 🙏🏻🌅❤️✝️
God bless you.❤️

Thank You for that im very touched by your words. Ive been awakr for over 50 years. Its been a long ride.

Proud to live as a free patriot like my ancestor Francis Cooke, who came over the Mayflower.Was a signer of the Mayflower Compact.
Yup, 25 years of my kids thinking I am off my rocker. I have been true to who I am. I feel so happy, and at peace seeing truth revealed.

Maricopa County Proud Patriot! #Fix2020 #LoveGod #Love the USA (as it was always meant to be!) #Thank God for the QTeam & Our ANON Family
Me too Pattyjo...🙏🏻

I will never give up! True freedom. Q hold the line!
been 20 years. 20 years of family treating you like a you are crazy, 20 years trying to wake people up

Let FREEDOM ring!🇺🇸 Follower of Jesus✝️Living on a prayer and the Fruits of the Spirit🙌🏻

GenXr, Cold War soldier, Germany 86-89. Spent 20 yrs selling my soul to White collar. Now live in the far reaches of the N. Maine woods.

I am happily married .Pro life Pro Trump I’m a Christian and I’m here for the precious children.
I foo am sorry I just woke up about a year ago thanks to Q.I couldnt imagine knowing about the precious children for years and years.May God bless you all .

Alabama gal raised in Tennessee worn out from spiritual warfare need reinforcements much rejection 💔Jesus, Rosie my dog r true friends ❤️
The weight of knowing bad things i have researched has been tremendous. I had someone to talk to .God and he answered my prayers and revealed and exposed what he had showing me . My mind is blown the amount of people that are awakening .God alone did this i give him all the credit .

For 17 years I have been trying to wake people up until I was blue in the face. Hubby has been at it even longer.Mocked and ridiculed and unable to do smalltalk

Formerly DOE Q Cleared Patriot and a proud Veteran of Great MEME War of '16 Re-enlisted in 2020. WWG1WGA!!! #DigitalSoldiers

Kicked OFF Twatter & FarceBook, Patriot living for Christ in light & love on the Caribbean in beautiful Panama 🇵🇦 VRBO host 1516148 🌴💦
Hardest part... Family rejection
Since 2009 I have been speaking out against#pedophiles in Government / Hollywood /
Corp churchs...💔 Not allowed to see grandson... Only prayer helps 😭❤️🙏

Jesus is Everything, Love my family, Animals are my thing, feed the poor, help your neighbor, love your enemies, serve God and country.
35 years for me, I pray for Justice....
Our food GMO, vaccines, chem trails,
infiltrated school systems (we homeschooled)
medical....everything. God tells us if we listen.

Light worker, truth seeker, digital soldier. Love is everything
Well said, we are here now, but we are not late, each individual awakes at the right time.

Yes some of us have been awake a lot longer and in some causes that made life a little more difficult. However, people should not apologize for waking now. We have to remember that this is all God's timing. The world was not ready to wake at the same time otherwise it would have. Those who woke before can provide guidance and comfort

Righteousness 1Peter 4:12-13 The same yesterday, today and forever Hebrews 13:8 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation Luke 2:30
we appreciate the acknowledgement more than you know and even more so we appreciate you all being here with us.

If you don’t HODL XRP and Trump I’m going to put you on my list of unsuccessful people!
freshman year in highschool 2001 my civics teacher started his teachings talking about liberal economics would fix our country, I got thrown out of that class on the regular... I realized I was libertarian and for as small government as possible... just didn't realize the extent of the corruption at the time

I just saw this in the feed of randoms.. Man we're the same age and I always got kicked out and asked too many questionsand all that. Lately I have been sharing and thing the same meme. The School's are the brainwash mk-ultra mechines. I went to college and got straight A's doing the same shit not doing homework and thinking and engageing the proffesor. Most proffesors are dying for someone with a brain to engage with in class. All that deppends too I ived in Ann Arbor and everyone thier is fucked too lol. Commies

praise God for the trailblazers😊🙏🏻❤️
Only followers of this user (@imat) can see their posts

me too. i could only conclude that it was divine intervention. the timing...wow.

Such an angel.

I AM an optimist. I AM here for our children. Following Q since the first drop. I Trust the Plan. #Family is Everything. #LOVE wins.
so true. i am remembering those I too easily dismissed decades ago.

Ive been questioning everything since my 20s Ive been realy awake for about 8 years and Im 56 years young, at times is very frustrating but Ive learn to go within and fine peace🙏🏼