My poor baby kitty. She has been suffering from some sort of skin allergies. This has never been an issue but she is suddenly so miserable. I do hemp oil
on her food…and I do a castor oil and coconut oil rub downs every night. I’ve not changed her food or litter..nothing . She’s so miserable and looks like the cutest oiled rat eva!! Not a happy kitty. I love her so much Any suggestions?? She’s grooming and itching nonstop.
She is mouth breathing. She needs to see a vet immediately! Could be congestive heart failure. Stop self treating and take her to a vet.
I took her to a vet last month when this all started. I noticed she had rapid breathing and increased heart rate. They diagnosed her with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and prescribed her lasix and plavix. I use the lasix if her breathing gets irregular. All her other blood work was perfect…. BUT she’s still itching!!
I feel for you. I have a cat the the ER vet said congestive heart failure, but my vet, who is an excellent diagnostician, thought her problems were caused by FIP. I treated her for FIP and doctor says her heart sounds good now, but she still has some kidney damage. I had another cat with severe allergies that I gave Dynovite to and he died. I might have made him worse with oils. Are you absolutely sure there are no fleas?
No fleas..but she could have gotten a bite or two. I feed a large group of beautiful amazing feral cats. So..ya never know. She got a soothing epsom salt and oatmeal bath today and I treated the entire carpet area with some Diatomaceous Earth. Let’s see what happens!! Thank you for the supportive words. I’m going to go easier on the oils…she’s a tiny thang. I’m gonna keep ya posted. Sorry to hear about your baby kitties…they deserve so much love ❤️