My poor baby kitty. She has been suffering from some sort of skin allergies. This has never been an issue but she is suddenly so miserable. I do hemp oil
on her food…and I do a castor oil and coconut oil rub downs every night. I’ve not changed her food or litter..nothing . She’s so miserable and looks like the cutest oiled rat eva!! Not a happy kitty. I love her so much Any suggestions?? She’s grooming and itching nonstop.
get some coconut oil the kind they have at grocers for cooking get cold pressed extra virgin and put some on your finger and get it in kittys mouth and around muzzle so she will lick it realgood and put a few drops into her food too not too much just about a whole tablespoon all day every day you should see improvement in 2-3 days and this is ok to use a few drops in food regularly to keep all parasites out also repels fleas and ticks soothes skin issues softens and feeds the hair etc safe for people to take as well prayers for fast healing and relief