🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Sometimes I do image searches for puppies just to cheer myself up. The interview was fine. I just told them to call my former employer and ask about The Glue. Thank you for your well wishes and thank you for being so amicable with each other. This is an amazing community. We can disagree and it's not personal. It's business. I love this place.
LOL, Hey, you got this. Now for a https://www.tiktok.com/@cowboy_thenano/video/7131039796796951850?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7201007521726105134dog video.
The link didn't work but that's ok. I appreciate the thought. I spent this morning listening to the Chief of Tik Tok testify so I am feeling averse. If I remember correctly, someone asked @vincentkennedy
why he can post Tik Tok videos when we know them to be bad news and he replied something to the effect of taking one for the team. That app is geotracing, psychologically profiling, and worse. I never post a Tik Tok video unless I'm amplifying someone else.