🦅🇺🇸 Donald J. Trump
1. Just Out: District Attorney Alvin Bragg
from Radical Left Enemy of “TRUMP,” George Soros.
Bragg is also very close to the Clinton Campaign...
2. The New York Times:
“A New York Times review and interviews
with election law experts strongly suggest
that New York state prosecutors
have never before filed an election law case
involving a federal campaign.
Bringing an untested case against anyone,
let alone a former president of the United States,
carries the risk
that a court could throw out or narrow the case.”
3. Wow, look what was just found—
A Letter from Cohen’s Lawyer
to the Federal Election Commission.
This is totally exculpatory, and must end
the Manhattan District Attorney’s Witch Hunt,
If this guy is finished as a DA now, does that mean Epstein's list is no longer protected?
🍿 Since this is Q's movie
the Epstein list will be RELEASED
when QTeam want it to.
THEY'RE THE ONES holding all the INTEL.
"We Have It All."
Including the laptops:
Seth Rich, Hunter, Pelosi & Weiner's.
QTeam is following their Plan To Save The World
with Military precision & LEGALLY.
So when it suits QTeam
the Epstein List will be released,
no doubt about it.
I'm thinking around public Tribunal time
but I have NO IDEA! 😉👊🇺🇸