the only way that could be relevant is if Lloyd Austin is in on it. otherwise expect it to be taken down like the "calm before the storm" photo
Relevant to what?
There are 2 types of people who watch a movie...
1. The ones who constantly talk throughout, trying to figure out the end
2. The ones who sit back and enjoy the show, whilst quietly looking at the subtle clues.
Personally, I view everything as a sign (nothing more nothing less)
I think I learned long ago, the more you think nothing is something, the more you set yourself up for disappointment. ex: inauguration/superbowl ect...
Ret Mil - Been There Seen It Done It Got the T-Shirt. Warrior In Christ putting on the Whole Armor of God. In the Republic of Texas.
And we have been given enough clues that only the clueless don't see them.