🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
We're going to have some fun today Truth seeker. I took a couple of weeks of quiet to drown out all of the chatter because I found myself losing my sense of humor. I needed to reflect on where I've been, where I am, and where I'm going. Hopefully the perspective I gleaned while I was away might be of some use to you. I am going to pack my son some lunch now, fix him some breakfast, see him off to school, and then we'll enjoy some ruminating.
I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
The Power of Self-Emptying.
"What is Empty Must Be Filled, That is the Way of Heaven and Earth." -Lao-Tsu, THE TAO TE CHING
It is only when we STOP and Purposefully Let the Emotional/Mental Fragmentation of our "MONKEY MIND" Relax and Fall into the Profound Silence of the Mother/Father Heart, that we can be Reborn and Rejuvenated and Return to the Original Consciousness of the Garden.
We begin our lIves in Unconscious Unity with the Mother Heart and as we Grow and Develop Our Individual Personalities We become Lost in the Wilderness of Fear-Based, Emotional and Mental Fragmentation of the World into which we are Born.
It is Necessary, from Time to Time, to Fast and Pray and Commune with the Universal Presence which is the True ource of Our Being.
Jesus Showed Us How to Do this when He Entered the "WILDERNESS" for Forty Days and Nights. He Also Modeled this when He Finally Surrendered His Individual Will to the Will of the Creator in the Garden of Gethsamane
Jesus and the Dark Night of the Soul in the Garden of Gethsamane