There are many roles to be fulfilled in the great awakening of humanity. Some of us are meant to expose the darkness and evil, others are meant to assist others in healing, some are meant to share spiritual wisdom, while others are simply meant to be the fullest expression of themselves. There is always polarity and balance, masculine and feminine energies at play in life and one never trumps the other. We need the mind to be awakened as much as the heart; to have one and not the other leads to either ignorance or bitterness and neither are sustainable states of being. All of our unique roles are sacred and necessary and we shouldn't be condemning others because they aren't fulfilling roles that we think they should be. This isn't the woke Olympics and we don't need to prove how conscious and "awake" we are. Find your role or roles and stay in your lane.
Lovely, and might add as humanity has been brain washed, mind control to be fractions of self, dumbed down to near handicap, average IQ 80, terrible.
Everyone always need to know law and physics to life force.
The reason for most problems, issues, crimes is not knowing law and physics, how to protect ourselves, each other, our energy fields.
Who ever avoids law and physics, doesn't inner-stand what their rights are, are a serious threat to life.
For Law, Ignorance is no excuse.