I don’t have an A.I. ALEXA
but after this bit of info I may get one!! She’s 100% accurate 😉
Alexa confirming the financial reset.
Alexa, is the U.S. switching to Rainbow Currency?
Here’s something I found on the web:
According to threadreaderapp.com
our entire global banking industry has flipped
to the QFS asset-backed digital currency
& that the U.S. will be switching from
fiat USD to Rainbow USN currency with new Silver & Gold coins
all with their own individual trackable imbedded bar codes
so the QFS can track 💰
🇺🇸 VK
What is a bank 2023?
Gone! 😹

Digital Warrior who took the Oath! Thriving in Free Florida Sending Love, Joy & Blessings from our Dad... To ALL on Earth & ALL Above
WElls Fargo Email today = ZERO Balance!
Go to Acct Online & see a Deposite
equal to my SS check, that isn't
due for 2 more wks!
Remain calm.
Miracles are happening right now.
The demons are bankrupt
Humanity is ABUNDANT 🕊
QTeam have mechanical things to attend to 🙏🏻

Ima invest in booze for bartering in the short term.
Somebody somewhere's gonna have to have it 🤷🏼♀️

😹 Excellent idea! 🍾

Student of synchronicity and predictive programming who sometimes says "哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈" Felixtheblack.Cat
Even my overdraft? Damn!

😹 Who knows
maybe that overdraft will be gone
when new tech is activated! 😉

I SHARE so you can discern for yourself! (does not mean I agree) If I like a post, I like it, or a nod to the person who posted it!
I'm with Wellsfargo, I removed most of it today, left 1.03 in it. lol not much to mirror.

Logically speaking
QTeam is NOT going to bankrupt Humanity.
There are countless people with more money
that the $250k the bank can guarantee
per account.
Like President Trump fr'instance.
You telling me all the people
who have many more thousands,
millions & billions,
who are totally innocent citizens
& not deep state demons
are going to be wiped clean of their wealth?
Makes zero sense.
The Quantum Financial System
has been running alongside
the corrupt demon SWIFT system,
as I understand it, since October 2022.
In a matter of seconds
Space Force can mirror the ENTIRE WEB
EVERYTHING, into the Quantum.
What QTeam is achieving here is
they are certainly not going to cause
financial AGONY!!
Have FAITH 🙏🏻🕊

I SHARE so you can discern for yourself! (does not mean I agree) If I like a post, I like it, or a nod to the person who posted it!
I just called it looks like they put the ss check in there already not due for a few days, Wondering if I should go take it out.

FAK I bet they saw mine and had a good ol cry. lol

😹 No worries my friend.
Abundance is coming to ALL.
Not as gifts from your government
that were ILLEGALLY stolen
by the demons 😉 🌈
Have FAITH 🕊❤️🔥
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