BlueRay/Sisterhood 🌹/Lyran GK; COBRA Ops Team to rtn GAIA to 5D+ Heaven on Earth Hz; Clocked in 250k+ mi of travel (‘18-‘23); WINNING
How in the world did I get this msg on my TG acct. It just popped up...Didn't add him on my follow accts. Yah I know their life span, as I'm a swamp vampire/witch hunter. And if he's not on the light side, he's going to exit one way or another. There are some good ones out there, as the movie twilight revealed that they're helping/working BTS, to end the endless battle, and reveal of their gifted child, a Divine Feminine peacemaker, is the key to attaining that endgoal. Why I wasn't surprise to see Kissinger in the 2020 China deal & 45 shaking his hand at the very end, since he's been a key player (high prob, ancient bloodline to Annunakis/Atlantean).
Marker 12:20, seems like a TRUE GESARA w/ phase 1, bc 45 said it will be good for mfg (due to release of adv techs, ie med beds), farmers, bankers (GESARA redistribution of wealth WW w/ Dig. Rainbow Currency), to servicemen (aka Q/W&W BTS)... ALL are COVERT/BTS happenings. Just TRUST POTUS & his grd crew BTS... all is aligning w/ Energetic/Timeline restoration w/ SR blackouts. https://youtu.be/CtiNIvfDA9A