Patiently waiting for the storm. Love my country. OMG Podesta in the news again, let’s goooo!
Good evening everyone. I don’t know if anyone even sees my posts but I’m asking for healing prayers for my grandson Grey. He has had fever aches chills for four days now. Finally got an antibiotic but all tests coming back negative. Blood tests coming but they are “behind” in the lab so it won’t be soon. Doctor is unsure about what it is. Huge tonsils, sore throat. Sounds like strep or tonsillitis to me. He is very sick. Thank you for your good energy. God bless.
If he likes to eat pineapple, potatoes and green peas, they all help with low stomach acid. Iron deficiency causes low stomach acid production and then food isn't digesting in stomach and bacteria keeps living there making gas like brewing beer, forming carbon dioxide. The gas then creates pressure like blowing up a balloon and that pressure pushes stomach contents up into esophagus and throat where it causes inflammation in tonsils. Adults get reflux pain but children often get throat inflammation without that burning pain because there's so little acid in stomach that it doesn't even burn the esophagus. Betaine HCL pepsin capsules kill the bacteria by lowering stomach pH, addind acid to stomach. No more gas from bacteria, no burps that bring the gas up to throat, and tonsils will heal. Pineapple and home cooked potatoes help and children notice it and want to eat them. Cayenne pepper +honey in hot tea/juice helps with pain. Full iron panel needs to be done to check iron levels.

I have studied old calendars at museums, they have 364 days only! One day is not marked! 13 x 28 days. Let's make calendar great again. ❤️
Dr. Clark Betaine HCL Digestive Enzymes is a good one for children because the capsules are smaller than in many other similar products. The more meat or other protein in food, more of these is needed to digest it. 1-3 per meal. If too many taken and the child feels like hunger pains, or warm feeling like after drinking too much hot tea too quickly, then take one less capsule on next meal and just have the child drink a glass of water and it dilutes the extra acid away immediately. It's what stomach should make on every meal and if it doesn't make acid, these pills (from any manufacturer) give the missing stomach acid. Then liquid food and it's mildly acidic vapors (burps) don't come up to throat any more but food moves to intestines. These pills can and need to be taken on every meal until stomach makes its acid again (iron deficiency needs to be fixed by taking iron).

I have studied old calendars at museums, they have 364 days only! One day is not marked! 13 x 28 days. Let's make calendar great again. ❤️
Sometimes tonsillitis gets healed quickly with these and body brings iron from storage and makes stomach acid again with no problem. These capsules kill all bacteria in stomach and none in intestines where bacteria is of course needed. Few doctors understand. Amazon sells these and other Betaine HCL, this one just happens to be smaller amd therefore easier for children to swallow when tonsillitis has made swallowing anything difficult.