Hitler was a bastard Rothschild, see. TRIPLE strander, hope that helps. Ya'll have a blessed evening. THEY stole even "jewish names" DEVILS ARE DEVILS> secret orgs are totally fkn also responsible name the area, for the state of our world....losers, lowest of the fkn low, right down there with triples. Harness the ethos muh azz.

and... the jewish diaspora has always existed. plus scythians phoenicians khazarians mizrahi sephardics etc... they (sanhedrin) have been doing it forever. its them.

Fren, it is the "demons who procreated with human women" all that like on and fkn on, "all secret orgs tie in at the top" FK THE UN< and FK every secret org, AND WHAT THE FKN shit are all them lodges still doing existing. Part right, those fkrs even infiltratred the "khazars" "after all the hedge was already broken" "since they were worshiping devils" folks gotta understand this battle as it is.

and who does it all for them, and as them. all those i mentioned. jews wrote kabbala/satanism and templarism / freemasonry.

TRIPLE stranders made freemasonry. I have had a LOT of disclosure just trying to help shed the real light. Half right, is still half wrong fren.

jews created it and masons et al are taught to venerate them. period. they also go around and try to hide these connections. whether you realize it or not, yer covering for (((them))) in a limited hangout. like clif high.

Better mind how ya go.....many of us are very covered by GOD to tell the truth, you type in ignorance accusing me based on your limited knowledge, yet I know stuff that would blow your mind. WOULD share but I don't like how your bs is coming at me. GOD KNOWS US ALL>
you spout off and i am not ignorant. synagogue of satan loves ya.